31 Days of Prayer
The Father’s Heart – Recovery for the Nation
Day 29
Deception of the American People
Matt 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.
Eph 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words…
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means…
Heavenly Father, we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus! You warned us that in the end times many would come to deceive and lead people astray – distracting us from the truth. We are surround-ed with fake news. We do not know whom to believe. It is our sincere desire to not be deceived. Holy Spirit, remove the scales from our eyes and sharpen our discernment. We are saturated by the media on all sides that communicates deception, ungodly agendas and political manipulation. We are overwhelmed with information and it is too much for us to bear. Lord, we need Your sovereign touch and guidance to restore integrity and truth to the media, social media, and every form of communication. We know that Satan is the author of lies, confusion and manipulation. We ask for forgiveness for allowing the spirit of lies to dominate over our thinking. We ask for help in this battle to restore truth to our state and nation and clarity of mind to our people.
Lord, there are church leaders that have taken a role in promoting the political agendas that violate Your Word. May heaven forbid! For-give our state and national leaders for making judgments and passing laws based on current and popular ideologies rather than truth. We need Your word as a plumb line to establish this nation back to righteousness.
The United States of America was founded on the words of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Our founders knew that without God we were doomed to deception. So, Father we ask that You forgive us as a nation from foolish lies that oppose Your ways as revealed in Your Word. Help us to be diligent to seek the truth and be careful to express Your amazing love to all. You sent Jesus to rescue us from the penalty of sin by dying on the cross and through Your resurrection, declare the truth that Jesus is Lord of all! Fill our leaders and people with a desire to pursue righteousness, truth, honesty, and justice for our nation. We pray that the American people would be able to see through the deceptions of our age and lay hold of the truths that will unite us as one nation under God!
And now, Lord, I confess that I need help to establish truth in every area of my life. Lord, if I have believed and communicated lies (even in good faith), I ask that You would forgive me and remove the scales from my eyes so that I could discern and perceive more clearly and make righteous judgments that mirror Your word in the way I think, speak, act and vote. Help me cleave to whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.