31 Days of Prayer
The Father’s Heart – Recovery for the Nation
Day 24
Transform Confusion and Deep Darkness with an Explosion of Light
Psalm 82
God stands in the congregation of the mighty;
He judges among the gods.
How long will you judge unjustly,
And show partiality to the wicked? Selah
Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy;
Free them from the hand of the wicked.
They do not know, nor do they understand;
They walk about in darkness;
All the foundations of the earth are unstable.
I said, “You are gods,
And all of you are children of the Most High.
But you shall die like men,
And fall like one of the princes.”
Arise, O God, judge the earth;
For You shall inherit all nations.
Thank you, Precious Father, for enlightening me to pray effectively in the Spirit and by Your word. I am inspired today and energized to make tremendous power available through prayer in the mighty Name of Jesus! I will not be silent! Isaiah 60 declares that the darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the people. But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.
Your word is true, dear Lord, and we are seeing this in our nation today. Nothing takes You by surprise! So, we say, arise and take Your place as the righteous judge of all the earth. Heavenly Father, bind the dark rulers of confusion and put an end to their mockery and evil plots. Turn their weapons of wickedness back onto them-selves, piercing their pride-filled hearts until they are the helpless. They stand condemned as they are brought to trial before the Righteous Judge!
Father, Your Word declares that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” (Jn. 1:5) Darkness cannot gain control of light and will never be able to even touch the light. Praise the mighty Name of Jesus! We are the light of the world and have the victory over all the devil’s evil works through the shed blood of Jesus and His atoning sacrifice and victory on the cross. We stand confident because You have delivered us from all the power of darkness and have brought us into the Kingdom of Your Dear Son (Col. 1:13). We have been called out of darkness into Your marvel-ous light. I know who I am in Christ: I am the light of the Lord because of my union with You!
Everyone practicing evil hates the light because his deeds will be exposed (Jn. 3:20) Expose them, Lord. Explode Your blinding light of truth and redemption upon this nation, O Mighty One who lives in us, as Your people take their rightful place and storm heaven with prayers and supplication for this cause!
GOD IS LIGHT AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL (1 Jn. 1:5). Come Holy Spirit and blast this nation with Your blinding light of truth and righteousness! In Jesus Name! Amen!