31 Days of Prayer
The Father’s Heart – Recovery for the Nation
Day 20
The Prodigal Nation
Luke 15:13,18-21,24 And not many days after, the younger son (nation) gathered all together, journeyed to a far country (away from the Lord), and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, 19 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.” 20 “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I (America) have sinned against heaven and in your sight and am no longer worthy to be called your son (nation)…. 24 for this my son (nation) was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry. –Paraphrased for the nation
America, how far you have gone from your first love. This nation was built on the Gospels and God’s Law and Principles. Many lives have died defending what God has given to us. Like the Prodigal Son, America has left her first love. America has wasted her inheritance in reckless and immoral living. Gone are the days when America held her head high and honored God. America removed God’s Word from the schools. America has redefined marriage. America has said it is alright to kill the unborn. America has legalized drugs and prostitution in our lands. America how far you have strayed and now you are in the pig pen– now it’s time to come to your senses. It is time to acknowledge that you have sinned and call out to God in repentance. Our Heavenly Father is waiting for us. HE is running to you, America, and waiting to embrace you once again. America, you will be restored once again as a great nation and a beacon of hope. As was the prodigal son, so is America. LORD, we long for the day when we can say “We once were lost but now are found. It is time to celebrate.”
Father, we are fully aware that we have become a prodigal nation. We have squandered the foundation laid by our forefathers; a nation established on Your precepts. We have fallen with immorality, perversion, broken covenants and innocent blood shed. As a nation, we have called good things bad and bad things good. We have violated Your Commandments in every possible way. We have failed to revere and honor You. We have become adulterous in our way with many idols which we have placed before You. Your Word states that, IF Your people will humble themselves, repent, and turn from their wicked ways, You will hear us from heaven. Lord, we do this on behalf of our nation. We are grieved over the decisions and laws that we, the people, have established, that violate You. We are grieved when we don’t stand up and resist unrighteousness as a nation. We are grieved to think that in our wickedness, You would turn Your face from us. We cry out to You, for forgiveness and to have mercy on us, Lord. We are desperate for our nation to turn its heart back toward You. We pray that every aspect of the way we function would honor You and Your precepts, in every sphere of influence from our Churches, Governments, Media, Families, Military and Law Enforcement, arts and entertainment. We are in great need of a move of Your Holy Spirit to blow across our land, turning every heart, bringing us back to You, Your wholesomeness, and hope. Thank You for Your mercy and love, which will never leave us nor forsake us. Turn our nation’s heart back toward You! We thank You, that even while we are far off, You will run to us. Your Love fails not!
Lord, help me to live my own life in a way that glorifies You. When I am going astray, help me turn and run back toward You, with the knowledge that You are coming to meet me. Help me to love my country enough to pray for it. I need courage to speak up and take a stand for Your righteousness. Show me where I need to honor You — in every area of my life — with love and courage. You are a BIG God and You are running to meet me! I need You, and my nation needs You, desperately. In Jesus Name! Amen.