31 Days of Prayer
The Father’s Heart – Recovery for the Nation
Day 19
Godly Leadership in the Seven Mountains
Exodus 18:19-21 Stand before God for the people, so that you may bring the difficulties to God. 20 And you shall teach them the statutes and the laws and show them the way in which they must walk and the work they must do. 21 Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
Ps 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne
Heavenly Father, we come boldly to Your throne of grace to ask for help in our time of need. Oh, how we need you in this time of great shaking in our nation. May your perfect will be done in the midst of these trials, as old wineskins are being replaced with new.
We pray blessings over what some have termed the ‘seven mountains’ of societal influence that shape our culture. We come in humility and ask forgiveness for allowing the world, the flesh and the devil to infiltrate these and other areas. We ask You to heal our land. We pray for kingdom-minded people to rise up and take positions of authority and influence in each of these areas:
Arts and Entertainment
Father, we pray for those in leadership at every level in these ‘mountains’ to have divine wisdom, strength, and endurance. We pray they would honor You. Grant them the ability to articulate a godly vision and strategy. Touch a coal to their lips. Strengthen them to build godly teams. Create kind, strong, healthy relationships that are without manipulation or intimidation and grant them favor and influence. Help them consistently overcome evil with good! Raise them to the top. Help each leader to resist the evil one. We ask for a repeated tidal wave of revival to go through every cultural ‘mountain’. We ask that You remove those who will not honor You. We ask You to remove those who have trained to bring chaos, division and strife. Send them to where they will not be able to cause dam-age, and where they will find You. We release God-inspired under-standing and visions to be birthed in leader’s hearts. Give them clarity to know how to turn things around and bring restoration to bro-ken management. Lord, at the top of our ‘mountains’, there is deep darkness. There are roots of spiritual wickedness that bring defilement to our land. We repent for the political correctness and agendas that are being forced on every part of all these ‘mountains’. We ask that You wash us with Your precious blood, removing the constant stain of sin. We cry out for You to break the yoke of bondage over every ‘mountain’, every sin that has entangled. Give the stamina to godly leaders to run the race with endurance that You have set be-fore them, looking to You, the author and finisher of their faith. Lord, raise up teams of intercessors to pray through the strongholds of each ‘mountain’. You are the Alpha & Omega. You have ALL power and authority. We thank You, for taking back the reins.
We ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation upon the heads of our governing authorities, military and police. ‘Surround them with favor as a shield.’ Psalm 5:12. We pray for truth that sets free in the mountain of media, and ask that individuals be held accountable for intentional lies and distortions of truth.
Lord, war is raging in the arts and entertainment arena. Christians are mocked and slandered, history is rewritten, and perversion is celebrated. We say, ‘no’ to this and pray for righteousness to be re-stored.
We pray for men and women of faith to rise to the top in business. We pray that they would recognize their calling to speak boldly for truth and to make righteous decisions. Give them godly advisors and great courage to stand up against persuasions of unbiblical political correctness.
We pray, Father, that You would be invited – welcomed – back into our schools; that godly values stemming from Your truth would be a part of every subject, every curriculum. We pray that teachers and administrators would possess a spirit of excellence; that they would speak wisdom, hope and life into the generations. We pray for religious liberty in America and for Your church to speak uncompromised truth in love. We ask for a great and imminent revival in our nation, which also leads to reformation in the leadership of these ‘mountains’ according to Your will.
Oh, Lord, how You love family. It is under assault. We pray blessings over families. We pray fathers would take their place as leaders in the home, and children would be taught of the Lord. We declare marriage between one man and one woman would be the honored by all and ask that marriages be strengthened and healed.
Heavenly Father, thank You for this great nation. We pray it would once again be a beacon of light to the nations of the world, so that ‘the earth would be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.’ Hab 2:14 In Jesus strong name, Amen.