To bring glory to God in a unified effort, by corporately worshiping Jesus Christ through song and worship dance and facilitating prayer for personal, local, national and international issues which impact the local Churches and Community.

31 Days of Prayer

The Father’s Heart – Recovery for the Nation

Day 13

Government in Recovery

1 Timothy 2:2 … for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Isaiah 61:4 And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.

Merciful and loving God we implore You to come to our aid. We pray for the wisdom we need to guide our community, state, nation, world and our people through our current crisis. Bring us to an enlightened place where the poor are protected, our laws are just and merciful, our basic needs are provided for and where hope reigns in our hearts.

Bring blessing and strength through Your hand to all who serve in our communities and nation: mayors, city councilors, county com-missioners, police chiefs, judges, governors, cabinet members and to our Presidential leadership. Help all who work to maintain and safe-guard the quality of life that we enjoy and are blessed with. Sustain all who bring security to our lives. Keep their hearts turned toward You as they serve.

Lord, as a nation, we have witnessed serious challenges, confusion and some disastrous choices in government spending and decision making. Our leaders are being inundated with information, some of it true, and some not. We ask for a sovereign move of Your Holy Spirit to bring practical, efficient discernment to solving problems. Help our leaders go against the flow when necessary to set things in right order between God and man. Give them courage to conquer obstacles and opposition, political pressure and oppression. Help them budget and spend with wisdom and compassion for the people who will bear the tax burden. Father, when our nation has been in crisis and shut down, some state governments have been busy enacting laws that are not the voice of the people they serve. Many of these laws violate Your precepts. We stand in the gap and plead, “forgive, Abba, Father!” Wash away our state and national sin with Your precious blood. Help us walk in forgiveness towards them, while respecting and holding our leaders up in prayer. Our people, our state and nation are desperate for Your hand of redemption to undo works of darkness.

Lord, we ask for a special level of wisdom and understanding for all leadership, community, county, state and national to make excellent choices and guidance to get us back on track with a thriving economy following the coronavirus. We ask that our legislators would take a protective leadership role to protect our cities, state and nation from community violence. We pray they would support our police officers as they put their lives on the line for us. Equip them to re-store godly order in our streets and cities.

Jesus was born and raised in a small town, grew up under the author-ity of small-town life. When He walked with us on this earth, He spread His healing power. Help our elected officials and government to act with this same loving, self-less character. Help them use their offices and power to protect, support and promote the well-being of all people.

Keep us strong in faith and love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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