To bring glory to God in a unified effort, by corporately worshiping Jesus Christ through song and worship dance and facilitating prayer for personal, local, national and international issues which impact the local Churches and Community.

31 Days of Prayer

The Father’s Heart – Recovery for the Nation

Genesis of “31 Days of Prayer”

The Fathers Heart  Recovery for The Nation

31 Days of Prayer is the most recent prayer book by Tillamook Countywide Prayer Team, inspired by the need for an extreme prayer effort to be lifted up to the Lord by the multitudes throughout the United States in the face of the extraordinary sequence of crises afflicting the United States in 2020.

In 2013, the Tillamook County Wide Prayer Team published its first 40 Days of Prayer in an effort to build unity within the Body of Christ. Since then, we have invited churches in our county and state to join this prayer effort with a new book most years. Every year three-fourths of the churches that span our 75-mile-long county, join together to agree in prayer. We are seeing amazing answers to prayer!

In 2016, the first edition of 50 Days of Prayer, was published and distributed throughout Tillamook County. It was written by many Christian intercessors. Some are prayer leaders, and some are pastors. We asked our authors from around Oregon to incorporate the scripture into each prayer. What resulted is a powerful tool that leads the reader to pray for topics that impacts them but likely, they never thought to pray for.

In 2019, we felt the Lord was calling us to enlarge the prayer territory. Our 50 Days of Prayer Team began to work with Pray Oregon to build a “Prayer Shield” over Oregon and the Nation. The goal is that on the first of every month more Counties will begin 50 Days of Prayer. This raises a continuous prayer shield over our state and nation all year long! As new communities are added, eventually every state will be bathed in continuous prayer. This prayer can spread like wildfire… the fire of God to bring healing to our people and nation. If each church catches the fire of His love to lift up passionate prayer over our people and land, we can expect a sweeping move of God.

In 2020, we published a new edition of 50 days of Prayer and customized versions for “Oregon Coast” and for “Central Oregon”.  These books are available on Amazon. See our website, for more information about these prayer books and for how your group can have a custom version for your area. ~TB

31 Days of Prayer

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See information for 31 Days of Prayer


50 Days of Prayer

Now available in paperback form.

Custom versions are also becoming available.

Be sure and select the version that is being used in your area.


Now available:


Custom books coming soon: